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Statement from the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center

September 28, 2020

We, the Pro Bono Center's Board and Staff, express our deep sorrow for what is happening in America right now, and for what has happened for centuries. We grieve the loss of so many Black citizens at the hands of police officers who swore to serve and protect our communities. We grieve that it is necessary to affirm that Black lives matter. We grieve that some consider it controversial even to make that statement.

We want you, the members of the community we serve, to know that we will listen to you, that we will learn from you, and that we feel your anger and pain in this time of turmoil. We are your allies in the struggle for equity and justice. We stand in solidarity with all who demand a more racially just society that treats all people with respect and dignity.

Through our work, we will seek to demonstrate our belief in your humanity and the righteousness of your cause.

*The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

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